Looking For New Contributors!
Friends of WCC,
We’re having so much fun creating content for your faith communities and small groups. Thank you all for growing with us as WCC continues to find its legs!
Just this past April, Olivia Sonell joined the team, bringing fresh perspectives to the conversation. As our collective continues to grow, so does the depth, insight, and helpfulness of our writing. Because we’re a writing cooperative, we brainstorm ideas, edit each other’s work, and make decisions together as a team. We believe that this organizational structure is best suited to produce the radical, yet intelligible, content we hope you and your church friends will find useful.
This work is of the commons, for the commons.
If you are interested in participating in a writing cooperative committed to the creation of thoughtful, yet comprehensible, socialist content for persons and communities of Christian faith, we would love for you to consider applying. The applicant must also adhere to WCC’s commitment to combating and abolishing white supremacy, patriarchy, ableism, and US imperialism. Christian communists and socialists are encouraged to apply!
Also, we are prioritizing POC applicants.
Here Is How To Apply:
Write an article related to the concerns of WCC (the spiritual, social, economic, and political dimensions of our lives). The article should be less than 1,000 words, adhere to the social and political commitments of WCC listed above, and should demonstrate a familiarity with marxist analysis and socialist politics.
Submit the article by email to WorkingClassChristianity@gmail.com. Title the Subject, “[Name], Application For WCC”
One last thing, help us get the word out by sharing this invitation with a friend of color who you think might be interested in joining this project, or on your social media!
In solidarity,
The WCC Crew